Date Released: 2013
Director: Richard Curtis
Actors/Characters: Domhnall Gleeson/Tim, Rachel McAdams/ Mary, Bill Nighy/ Dad, Lydia Wilson/ Kit Kat, Lindsay Duncan/ Mum, Richard Cordery/ Uncle D
Synopsis: At the age of 21, Tim discovers he can travel in time and change what happens and has happened in his own life. His decision to make his world a better place by getting a girlfriend turns out not to be as easy as you might think.
This is one of my favourite films that I have watched this year! What a brilliant idea for a film- the men in Tim's family have the ability to travel in time but they can only go back to moments in their personal history and change things.
From the onset of 'About Time' I was instantly hooked. Introducing Tim's eccentric and boisterous family and revealing the day he found out he was a time traveler was the perfect way to throw you right into the action.
The handling of the time travel in this film was so unlike any other I've seen and I loved it. Curtis dealt with time travel in a very matter-of-fact way rather than scientifically glorifying it. It was simply a fact that the men in the family could time travel and no one questioned it- this made the film extremely easy to watch and also allowed you to connect more with the actual characters rather than be baffled with the logistics behind travelling through time. Similarly, the way Tim used his time travelling abilities was so insignificant that again that element of the film wasn't dramatised whatsoever. I loved this take on a time travel storyline as it presented a realistic and human response to the ability- most of us ( if we could travel in time ) would chose to alter personal history over wider history because we are naturally selfish beings therefore the character's were instantly more relatable and realistic. Another thing I felt added to the realism of the film was Tim's response to his father revealing the inherited abilities. Tim automatically presumed his dad was 'pulling his leg' but still attempted to travel in time because of natural curiosity- this is a response I think would have been adapted by me had I been in Tim's situation.
Although I was drawn to watch this film because of the romance element I actually found I enjoyed the family element slightly more. The characters in Tim's family were incredibly unique and entertaining to watch. I adored both Uncle D and Dad and their presence in the family was so lovely to watch. Richard Curtis is a brilliant writer of genuinely content and uplifting characters and he did not disappoint with this film. Dad was my favourite character in the film his storyline was the most engaging for me and I was devastated at the end of the movie when he passed away. His relationship with his son was so moving to watch and their final trip in time together had me balling my eyes out.
Even though I really enjoyed the family element of this film, the romance aspect still did not disappoint. Mary and Tim were a gorgeous couple and I thoroughly enjoyed watching their relationship develop through the course of the film. The scene in which they first met in the dark restaurant was so brilliant and I loved the humour and awkwardness that came with that situation. Watching Tim's struggles to find Mary again after going back in time and messing up their first meeting was so sweet and proved that the couple's love was genuine. A true strength in the film was its ability to capture so many years in the space of two hours so seamlessly, the narrative did not feel rushed in the slightest and I loved every second of it. I also loved Mary and Tim's wedding, the chaos of the day as they struggled against the horrific weather conditions was hilarious to watch and so touching when they found joy regardless of the awful conditions of the day.
Perhaps the thing I loved most about this film was the underlying message. Each character seemed to have a genuine love for life. The idea that we should live everyday as if it's our last and cherish everyone around us and every moment we have was a 'extremely Richard Curtis' and is the reason I have such respect for his writing and films.