Film Facts:
Date: 1996
List of Characters: Quasimodo, Frollo, Esmerelda, Phoebus
Raking in Animated Feature Films: #34
Interesting Trivia:
Patrick Stewart, Ian McKellen, and Derek Jacobi were considered for the role of Frollo.
Directors Kirk Wise, Gary Trousdale, and Don Hahn have noted that the three gargoyles might exist only in Quasimodo's imagination and thus may well be split-off pieces of his own identity. However, most of their characteristics, including Hugo's infatuation with the goat Djali, seem unique to their manifestations when present (and there is of course the question of how the gargoyles can be moving around and even helping defend the cathedral if they are not really alive).
Two of the gargoyles are named Victor and Hugo after Victor Hugo, the author of the novel "The Hunchback of Notre Dame." The third, Laverne, is named after Laverne Andrews, one of The Andrews Sisters.
Early on in the movie during "Out There", there is an overhead shot of Notre Dame and the courtyard from a bird's-eye view. During this shot, look closely at one of the buildings in the bottom left corner of the screen - one building has a satellite dish on it.
In the novel, Frollo is actually the Archdeacon. The filmmakers decided to change the character to a judge because they felt it would make him more sinister to have control over the city and therefore would not be questioned in his attempts to destroy the Gypsies.
The film, due to its dark and sexual themes, nearly became the first animated Disney film to receive a PG rating from the MPAA in the US since The Black Cauldron (1985).
What I like about the film:
The messages and themes: Hunchback of Notre Dame at its core is a film about corruption and those brave enough to stand for justice. It is a story about the oppressed and the outcast rising up to greater powers. This film was extremely different from anything Disney had ever produced and I would argue that it is the studio's darkest and most risky film and in fact because of this it was a flop. Not many children could appreciate these strong adult themes which is why I am glad I watched this for the first time as an adult. The theme of rebellion and the message the film creates about not standing for injustice is timeless and a notion that is highly relevant to today.
Esmerelda: She is one of the strongest, bravest and sharp witted female character Disney have ever created which why I love Esmerelda so much. She has the best one liners, the deepest character arc and morally, she is undoubtedly one of the purest protagonists in perhaps all of Disney. It upsets me that Hunchback is not as popular as other Disney films because people overlook Esmerelda and her greatness.
Music: Some people do not like the music in this film but personally I love all the songs on the soundtrack- they are dark and brooding and unlike any other Disney soundtrack which I find quite refreshing. God Help the Outcasts is probably one of my favourite Disney songs and Hellfire is one of the most complex and sinister songs in all of Disney.
Visuals: I love the setting of this film, medieval Paris is such a rich setting and I love the city of Paris anyway so I love seeing the different time period of the city you see in this film. Of course, Notre Dame itself is stunning I've been a couple of times myself and it is probably one of my favourite places I've ever been it is breathtakingly beautiful.
What I dislike about the film:
Another disclaimer: I really like this film and in fact when I think about it there is genuinely not much I dislike bar one thing.
The Statues: I normally love Disney sidekicks but I do not like the statues in this film. For such a mature and adult Disney film I feel like statues are a regression in the tone and messages of Hunchback. I don't find their scenes/ jokes interesting or entertaining and their song guy like you is the only song of the film I dislike. I understand that the target audience of the film is children and this comical and fun element to the film will appeal to them but I just wish they had been written out.
My Favourites:
Character: Esmerelda without a doubt!
Song: God Help the Outcasts
Location: Of course you have to say Notre Dame!
Moment: I love Esmerelda and Phoebus' fight in Notre Dame but also (a bit of a cop out) but I love the ending so much
Quote: "Frollo: Silence! Esmeralda: Justice!"
Disney Ratings:
Humour: 6/10 Moving?: 9/10 Characters: 9/10 Songs: 8/10 Story: 8/10 Aesthetic: 8/10 Happy ending rating: 8/10 Overall rating: 8/10