So in case you haven't heard Mean Girls is now a Broadway musical!
Initially, I was put off by the idea of Mean Girls becoming a musical I expected it to be really cheesy and the music to be badly written but just like Legally Blonde this text transferred wonderfully to musical form. For the last five weeks I've have been listening to the Mean Girls soundtrack non stop and I would give anything to see the show on Broadway. I decided to channel my love for this musical into a blog post in which I rank the songs from worst to best.
21: Stop
My least favourite song on the soundtrack has to be Stop. I never actually listen to this song when I play the soundtrack. I think that Damien's musical style is one of my least favourites in the show and I just find the melody of this song a bit dull and unexciting for an act opener. The tone of this song just feels very different to the rest of the song and I'm not a fan.
20: What's Wrong With Me? (Reprise)
I like the original version of this song but this reprise is just not very interesting or engaging to me and again is one that I skip over. This reprise doesn't add anything new to the first version of the song and I kind of wish it didn't exist on the soundtrack.
19: Whose House Is This?
Cheech Manohar's voice really irritates me and he is featured quite heavily in this song which just instantly puts me off. I like Cady's part in this song but not enough to make me enjoy listening to the song. I just find the whole song quite annoying but I like the level of energy in the performances.
18: Where Do You Belong?
Like I've mentioned Damien's lyrical and melodic style in this musical is not my favourite and Where Do You Belong? is basically a Damien song which I don't really enjoy. I like the premise behind this song though as the 'clique sequence' is one of my favourites in Mean Girls.
17: Sexy
I don't dislike this song, just some parts of it. Most of this song I can tolerate but normally I skip the song halfway through. Honestly, I really like the beat of this song and I love the characterisation of Karen within the song.
16: What's Wrong With Me?
This was one of my initial favourites on the soundtrack but has been overruled by other songs on the soundtrack. For emotion and characterisation this song is excellent I just think that I've over-listened to it as is; I will probably always enjoy this piece it just isn't that high up in my rankings at the moment.
15: A Cautionary Tale
I like this song, I don't love it but I like it and the tune is pretty catchy. Also Janice's part is really fun to sing! This song sets up the show well but it isn't a spectacular opener I think that the musical show have opened with It Roars but more on that later.
14: Do This Thing
Although Cheech Manohar's voice grates on me I can tolerate his part in this song because of the context. Honestly, I love Cady's part in this song especially 'lean mean math machine'. When I first listened to this I wasn't a fan but after a couple of times I can stop listening to it and I really the build and energy of the piece.
13: I See Stars
Not the greatest ending song to a musical however I like this song quite a bit. It is one of the more feminine sounding songs of the musical and I like it. There's also quite a nice build to the song.
12: Someone Gets Hurt (Reprise)
This song is badass. I love Janice she is definitely my favourite character in the show and she lays down the law for Cady in this song and I love how powerful this song is!I just wish it were longer.
11: Stupid With Love (Reprise)
This is my favourite reprise of the show and I am not a fan of reprises much whatsoever. I enjoy the development of Cady and Aaron's relationship in this song and the back and forth between their parts is nice.
10: Apex Predator
This one of the only songs that has a cast performance video on YouTube so I thought I would share it with you. I really like this song and my appreciation of it has definitely increased through listening to it. I like the contrast in opinions between Cady and Janice and the melody of this piece is dark and dangerous which I enjoy. There are some really good harmonies as well in this song.
9: Someone Gets Hurt
This is Regina's first solo song in the musical and as expected it is dramatic, seductive and deadly and I love it. This is another song that has grew on me but I am obsessed with it at the moment. Taylor Louderman is such a powerhouse and her voice is unique but fantastic. This song is wonderful because it displays a vulnerable more human side to Regina that I think we don't see in the film.
8: Revenge Party
I love this song! This is one of the more upbeat and fun songs in the musical and the tune is so memorable and addictive once you listen to it you won't stop. This part of the story is also really devious as it is when Cady, Janice and Damien devise the plan to take down Regina and I love the way that the show portrays this in this song.
7: More Is Better
Definitely the romantic ballad of the musical, it took me a while to properly listen to this song but I really love it now. The melody is incredibly sweet and the dynamic between Cady and Aaron in the piece is interesting because of their character differences.
6: Meet The Plastics
This song is so good it's not even funny! The intertwining melodies of the three plastics are incredible and characterise the three girls personalities perfectly. Basically this song is great you need to listen to it!
5: Fearless
This song has some of the best riffs in the soundtrack and definitely the best build and it's so damn good! Fearless is the most inspirational and empowering songs in the musical and it's so fun to listen to and sing to.
4: Stupid With Love
One of the songs that introduced me to Mean Girls the Musical, Stupid With Love will probably always be in my top five. The rhythm is so upbeat and the lyrics so fun to sing along to- "I am filled with calcu-lust". I adore the syncopation in this song so much and the tune is so catchy you will not get it out of your head for weeks!
3: It Roars
Arguably, this song is the real show opener and I think it legitimately should be. This is such an inspiring song and there are some really beautiful melodies in the song. Also the lyrics of this song are fantastic and fast moving to match Cady's excitement over moving to America. When the chorus kicks in the song just gets ten times better as well!
2: World Burn
Damn! Regina George can sing! This is one of my favourite antagonist songs from any musical perhaps ever. This is such a powerful piece and the rise and fall of the music is perfect. Louderman's voice is sensational and she executes the piece phenomenally.
1: I'd Rather Be Me
This is it... my favourite song from Mean Girls is I'd Rather Be Me. Barrett Wilbert Weed is astonishing, she is perfect for the role of Janice and I love her voice so much! I relate to this song so much having found myself in a similar position to Janice in the past so I love to sing this song so much. The lyrics are incredible and I love a fast paced piece with lots of syllables crammed into a few notes I find these kind of songs so fun to learn! Basically I listened to this song on repeat until I knew it start to end and haven't stopped loving it since.
So that concludes my ranking of the Mean Girls soundtrack. If you haven't already listened to this musical I really hope this post has inspired you to do so because I love it so much and hope that other people do to!